Choose a Hotel* —Please choose an option—John & GeorgeDolfin
Arrival date*
Departure date*
Номер комнаты*
Last Name* (Last Name as it appears in Travel Documents/Passports/ID)
First Name* (First Name as it appears in Travel Documents/Passports/ID)
Home Address*
Post Code*
Your Email*
Passport or ID Number*
Date of Birth*
Estimated arrival time
Invoice for business only* YesNo
If Yes, please enter all the invoicing details (company's name, address, etc.)
2nd Client in the same room
Last Name
First Name
Passport or ID Number
I accept* The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) For the purposes of public health protection, the management of the Hotel must keep a record of the staff and all persons staying in the accommodation, with details such as: name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail) - to make it possible to communicate with close contacts in the event of a COVID-19 crash, which may be identified later.
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